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Planning a PeopleSoft-related Request#

A PeopleSoft-related File Transfer is defined as a transfer that includes either pushing a file from PeopleSoft to another host - or pulling a file from another host into PeopleSoft. It also includes an AutoSys batch job definition to schedule the execution of the file transfer.

To request a new file transfer, please email to generate a ticket. All work will be performed under that TDX ticket. Your email should provide as much information as you can muster in order to accomplish the new setup. However, JST will work with you through the TDX to answer any questions you have while gathering necessary data. Do not hesitate to ask for help. JST understands that setting a up a new file transfer can be stressful and is not something done frequently by analysts.

At the highest level, the information you provide should tell JST what file(s) to pick up & where to send them. More specifically, things like:

File Locations, Credentials, and General Info#

  • What is the name or naming pattern of the file(s) that this transfer should look for?
  • Where is the file? If within PeopleSoft, the batch file server file path is what would be helpful. E.g., /psoft/batch/csprd/ad/. If the file is not within PeopleSoft, then we'd instead need the remote hostname (a URL or IP address) and the file path on that host.
  • Once the file is found, where should Axway send the file? Again, if within PeopleSoft provide us the file path to put the file. If not within PeopleSoft, the URL of the remote host and the file path where Axway should place the file would be required.
  • When Axway has to log into a non-PeopleSoft host to get or push a file, what are the login credentials? Typically, this is a username and a password. Do not share passwords in the ticket-generating email. Login can also be accomplished by exchanging SSH keys with the remote host.
  • Often, like here at the University, trading partners will have a test & production system. If so, please be sure your email includes the test & production version of file names, file paths, hostname, etc...
  • If you have an existing Axway account that you think this new file transfer fits into, please let us know.
  • Axway defines unique file transfer set up as a "subscription." Please include a suggested short subscription name. JST will then use the suggestion in concert with any of our internal naming conventions to pick a final subscription name for the transfer.
  • Provide any contact information for the trading partner that could be helpful when troubleshooting.
  • Provide the UMN Owner contact information that will be housed as information tags in Axway setup. Please provide a group name & group email address whenver possible to make these values robust to staff changeover within your group.


JST already knows how to login to PeopleSoft servers, so no login credentials need to be shared with JST.

Pre/Post File Transfer Transformation Actions#

Beyond just providing JST with the location to find & place the file, there are often other considerations for what work needs to be done before or after a file transfer is accomplished. Often, these pre/post actions are defined in a way so that the file transfer can be executed again in batch the following night and not re-process the same file over and over again. Here are examples of pre/post file transfer actions that you will want to address in your ticket-generating email to JST.

  • When Axway picks up a file should it delete it from the source location after successfully grabbing it? If not, then it's important to understand that if you have the Autosys job schedule to run the following day, it could pick up the exact same file tomorrow.
  • Does the file need to be PGP-encrypted before it is sent?
  • Does the file need to be PGP-decrypted when received?
  • If the source or destination of the file transfer is PeopleSoft, should the file be copied to an archive location before/after transfers? If so, what is the archive folder location and what should the name of the archived file be. For example, archived versions of files often have the current date added to the file name.
  • Should the file be renamed as it is pushed or pulled?

Batch Scheduling#

In your ticket-generating email for PeopleSoft file transfers, please also include information on how you want the batch jobs set up to execute this new file transfer. Please see this article on requesting new batch file transfers for more information. If you have an existing AutoSys batch job that you want to use as a guide, you can provide that job's name and ask JST to send back to you a pre-filled out autojil template spreadsheet with that job.


When JST sets up a new PeopleSoft-related file transfer and its companion AutoSys job, it will first be set up in Axway TST and AutoSys TST and will point to the proper TST PeopleSoft instance. We'll then request that you work with your trading partner to mock up files so we can test the file transfer. Once successfully tested, we will work with you to get it migrated to QAT and finally production.

For non-PeopleSoft related transfers, JST will coordinate with the requester before migrating any setup to Axway Production.

How long does it take?#

As you can see from this article, it can be a task to gather all the required information and execute successful tests. For this reason, please plan for at least a week for a new file transfer to be set up. Things can move much faster or slower depending on how complete the information is and how fast testing can be coordinated & executed.

Please refer to this article.

Axway Whitelist URLs#

It is often necessary to give trading partners the IP addresses that Axway uses to connect to remote hosts so that they can whitelist these IP addresses.

Previously, we had specific IP addresses for TST/QAT & PRD. We have now consolidated those into a single range to give vendors for TST/QAT/PRD:


Data Security Classification#

As part of the creation of a new Axway file transfer, please classify the data that will be moving in and out using one of the three classification types explained in this article: There is a link in that article's appendix called Data Security Classifications by Type which provides examples. of each classification type to help you make your determination.

OIT-JST will store your response to this question in your Axway subscription (or account, if the information applies to all subscriptions within the account). At this time, we are gathering this information to be able to answer questions from auditors and to follow University Policy. No specific actions are required based on your response to this question.